Two freehold residential sites at Thiam Siew Avenue up for sale

2 lease free non commercial spots at Thiam Siew Ave are available deal by means of communal tender, having perspective developers owning the alternative to secure the locations collectively or singularly, communicated premium advertising specialist Savills SGP.

Positioned just away from Tanjong Katong Road found in excellent District Fifteen, the plots own a joined acreage of approximately 2hundred 63thousand 7hundred 94 square ft and also are zoned for “Residential” usage under the ’19 Master Plan using an allowed gross plot ratio of 2.8.

The 135,359 square feet plot on the North contains a total gross floor size of 3hundred 79thousand 6 square feet including an estimated dvlpmt fee of $145.7 mil.

The 128,435 sq ft plot on the South contains a total GFA of 3hundred 59thousand 6hundred 18 square foot plus an estimated DC of $138.3 million.

Including the 7 percentage capacity for balconies, the North parcel contains a maximum allowable gross floor size of 405,536 sq ft while the GFA of the South piece is 3hundred 84thousand 7hundred 91 sq ft. The estimated dvlpmt charge for terraces sets at $20.2 million and $19.1 million, specifically.

Based on an average measurement of 85 sq m, the land piece on the North can easily integrate approximately 4hundred 14 house units, whilst the patch on the South can produce 3hundred 93 units, subject to the approval of relevant authorities.

Savills stated the plots “are situated around a reputable residential zone relishing vicinity to a myriad of features available at Katong district, which is elaborate in heritage, including the Paya Lebar Central district”.

The spots are generally satisfactorily offered by Dakota MRT Terminal including Paya Lebar Intersection MRT Terminal and are attached to almost all areas of Singapore by means of ECP also Pan Island Expressway.

Savills noted in which the spots “are assured to profit from their handy closeness to Paya Lebar Central area, URA’s 1st Business Improvement District lead program outside the Central Business District”.

Midtown Modern Floor Plan

Savills SGP’s Deputy Managing Director for IS and Capital Markets Galven Tan mentioned developers can capitalise on the plots exceptional features to cultivate 1 or 2 high end skyscraper ventures.

He added the fact that the tender similarly grants property developers deal positiveness because it is cleared to the validation of the STB.

The tender for the plots closes on 18Nov.

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